Roughly 40 million adults suffer from anxiety in the United States. What’s more, nearly half of those who suffer from anxiety are also afflicted with signs of depression.

Feeling constantly hopeless, panicked, and perpetually exhausted can be confusing and alarming. Not only are these feelings mentally and physically taxing, but they can also cause tension in personal and professional relationships. However, with aid from a therapist, sufferers of anxiety and depression are able to lead happy and fulfilling lives.

Read on to learn about anxiety and depression symptoms, treatments available, and resources for seeking help with our therapists in Jacksonville if you are experiencing symptoms. 


Symptoms Of Anxiety

Anxiety is characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension. Sufferers of anxiety often feel an impending sense of doom without being able to pinpoint a concrete source of their anguish. It is also common for people with anxiety to be overwhelmingly concerned about typical life occurrences, even when they are aware there is nothing to worry about. 

Symptoms of anxiety include:

●      Difficulty sleeping, including problems falling and staying asleep

●      Irritability

●      Difficulty concentrating

●      Muscle tension 

●      Shaking

●      Rapid heartbeat

●      Feelings of intense dread or panic 

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms on a regular basis, seeing a therapist will help you determine next steps for appropriate treatment. 


Symptoms Of Depression

Depression goes deeper than feeling down every once in a while. In fact, major depression is one of the most common mental grievances in the United States. Symptoms of depression include: 

●      A drop in energy and feeling frequently sluggish

●      Difficulty concentrating or making decisions 

●      Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping 

●      Feeling hopeless 

●      Feeling worthless and like a burden to the people in your life

●      Thoughts of death or suicide

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, get help from a crisis or suicide prevention hotline. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

When they join forces, anxiety and depression can wreak havoc on a person’s mental health and overall wellbeing. Luckily, evidence-based treatments exist to help manage anxiety and depression in a healthy and constructive manner. 


Treating Anxiety And Depression With Therapy

Treatment for anxiety and depression is attainable with therapy. 

Talking to a therapist is an effective method for treating anxiety and depression because verbalizing negative emotions can actually make them feel less intense. Therapy arms patients with healthy coping skills to prepare them for future run-ins with their symptoms. Furthermore, therapy can help alleviate some of the physical symptoms that anxiety and depression bring on, such as migraines and trouble sleeping. 

A therapist might also use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with their patients. CBT helps people replace negative, destructive thought patterns with positive, productive ones. The goal of CBT is to change a person’s negative patterns of thinking and how they relate to their behavior. Ultimately, this can create a positive trend in the way a patient feels. Furthermore, CBT introduces patients to guiding principles that they can apply to their life whenever necessary. 

Getting Help 

No matter what your circumstances, we are here to help. North Florida Learning and Behavioral Health is a team of licensed therapists based in Jacksonville, Florida, treating clients for a broad spectrum of concerns, including anxiety, depression, grief, loss, and relationship issues. Our practice also specializes in treatment for learning disorders, including dyslexia tutoring and ADHD therapy, for both children and adults. 

Schedulepsychological evaluation with our psychologist or therapy session with our licensed therapist today.