• ​Difficulty waiting his or her turn in a game or conversation

  • Often in trouble for talking at inappropriate times in class

  • Difficulty sitting still or remaining seated 

  • Easily distracted by other thoughts or noises in the environment

  • Trouble remembering multiple requests or instructions

  • Careless mistakes on homework or chores

  • Difficulty sustaining attention on classwork or play activities for extended periods of time

  • Is often overactive 

  • ​Often loses things needed for activities, such as school supplies or books

  • Often "daydreaming" in class 


ADHD Evaluations

Is your child’s teacher having difficulty with your child in the classroom?  Perhaps the teacher is saying your child will not pay attention, doesn’t listen to directions, or is forgetting to turn in homework assignments.  The teacher may also report that your child has difficulty staying in his or her seat, disrupts other children during class, and has trouble waiting for his or her turn.  These are all concerns that are common with children that have Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, commonly known as ADHD.  

Symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can also be seen at home.  For instance, does your child have difficulty remembering to do more than one thing at a time?  Is your child messy and disorganized (more than would be expected for his or her age)?  Does your child forget to bring the right school books home?  Does your child have difficulty playing quietly and often acts as if he or she is “driven by a motor?”  Does your child have difficulty paying attention to one thing for an extended period of time? All children display these behaviors from time to time.  However, if your child’s symptoms are significantly interfering with academic performance or relationships with others, ADHD testing may be helpful. 

ADHD Testing is conducted to determine whether inattention, poor focus, and/or problematic behaviors such as hyperactivity and difficulty staying seated at school are due to an Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. These symptoms can also be due to other problems such as oppositional behavior, anxiety, or depression. An evaluation conducted by a licensed clinical psychologist can help to determine the exact nature of the problem and provide an accurate diagnosis.


ADHD Testing: What to Expect

At North Florida Learning & Behavioral Health, a licensed clinical psychologist will meet with you and your child to determine if an evaluation is needed.  

During the ADHD testing process, a clinical psychologist will usually gather information about development, family history, and school performance.  ADHD testing also includes assessment of areas such as memory, attention, impulse control, and executive functioning.  The age of your child will help determine specific tests that are used in the evaluation.  

If you are interested in scheduling a psychological evaluation, such as dyslexia testing or ADHD testing in Jacksonville, FL, email Dr. Winner directly at Drwinner@NFLBH.com or call us at (904) 250-0088.


What is ADHD?

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders seen in children.  ADHD testing can help to determine which type of ADHD, if any, is present.  

There are different types of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.  The Predominantly Inattentive Type of ADHD occurs when a child displays symptoms such as daydreaming a lot, not listening to directions, being easily distracted from schoolwork or play, frequently forgetting things, and having a hard time paying attention.  The Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type occurs when the child fidgets a lot, is excessively talkative, has difficulty sitting still for long periods of time, interrupts others frequently, has difficulty waiting for his or her turn, and speaks at inappropriate times.  The Combined Type of ADHD is a combination of both ADHD Inattentive Type and ADHD Hyperactive-Impulsive Type. 

The results of ADHD testing provide important information for parents on how to proceed with treatment. After testing is completed, the evaluating psychologist will usually review treatment options with parents and answer any questions about the testing results. Various treatment approaches may include medication, behavioral interventions, psychotherapy, and academic accommodations.